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sarahcraditquote2Ah, what wise words.

I just wanted to share this with everyone. It’s very poignant and I hope all writers – aspiring and published – take note. It’s important to know and remember that stories are subjective, so not everyone can agree on what’s amazing and what is not. Look at the Twilight saga and it’s offspring Fifty Shades of Grey. There are some who adore either or both series, some who are indifferent, and others who passionately despise them. See? No one reads a novel the same way. We each have our own minds that sees things differently.

I honestly used to dream about writing the greatest book of all time. But now as I am maturing as a writer, I realize that dream has little place in reality. I could fantasize about one of my books being listed among the greatest books ever, or the best NA books, self-published books, best books of the year or season. Those dreams are more realistic. But even then, I should still focus on writing my absolute best, and keep developing and maturing my storytelling.

Till then, copy and paste this meme, everyone. And keep it close by to remind yourself to be realistic, and even humble.

NOTE: the above meme is from author Sarah Cradit. Check out her blog: http://sarahcradit.wordpress.com/